about me

Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
I am at my happiest when I'm creating something/anything....I'm of Welsh heritage, born in Canada, and have lived a quite curious life so far.....

Saturday, July 02, 2011

my Sketchbook 2012 project continues....

this page came about from the dusty imprint an unfortunate Collared Dove made on my conservatory window. It looked just like a ghost! This is stitch, ink, acrylic paint on calico

1 comment:

Wolfie said...

Hi, as promised I am now a follower:) Thinking of your dove print...I took a picture of a wall in Plymouth, and it had a stain which I guess is oil, and it looks like a crow in flight. I will find it and post it so you can see. I just love having my camera (or a lot of the time my mobile phone which has a very good camera) with me when I am out with Tara walking, as I often find something to photograph. Can be the trunk of a tree, some leaves or anything really. I even won a little blog competition with some frosty leaves:) X Ylva (from the Guild meeting Saturday 2nd July)