about me

Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
I am at my happiest when I'm creating something/anything....I'm of Welsh heritage, born in Canada, and have lived a quite curious life so far.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

my local Embroiderers Guild group

I'm a member of the Embroiderers Guild and I can honestly say it has changed my life. Now my degree is over I've been able to get to a monthly session here with the Preston Group and the embroiderers there were all very welcoming. There was a mix of traditional and contemporary work. The group had a small library to share as well as a supplies for sale. Oh and people brought some of their unwanted stash to share around. It was my good fortune to arrive on the last session before summer which was also a Cream Tea day. :)  I'm already looking forward to the next session in September. I also feel reassured that when I move south there will another Group that I will be able to attend so have no worries about being a stranger in a new place. Anyway here is a link to all sorts of other embroidery realted events and to the Embroiderers Guild site itself if you fancy joining.


1 comment:

Wolfie said...

Well, I agree with you that the group is lovely, and it was very nice to have some of the sample books of fabrics to rummage through...I am surely going to enjoy working with them once I've moved and settled in the house in Orkney:) It was lovely to meet you, and I wish you all the best:) X Ylva