about me

Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
I am at my happiest when I'm creating something/anything....I'm of Welsh heritage, born in Canada, and have lived a quite curious life so far.....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

come in Number 3, your time is up....

this delapidated lake boat is sat on the sea front at Lytham St Annes, Lancashire

it caught my eye with its ruination, it had been used as a planter but even the plants had given up

plenty of rust and lichen growth

this rusty three has decided that I should form a photo collection of unexpected numbers

Ait seems quite resilient though, even fire has not had much destroyed it

but the most captivating feature for me is of how the flaking paint has taken on its own identity and is now impersonating a seascape

perhaps its trying to emulate the seasape it actually looks at..........


Little Dotty Bird said...

what a keen eye you have to notice the paintwork picture! I do like the idea of a album of unexpected numbers..brilliant! Pretty sad looking flower display though...oh dear :(

DesignRice said...

i love these especially the boats! you know i love boats :P