about me

Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
I am at my happiest when I'm creating something/anything....I'm of Welsh heritage, born in Canada, and have lived a quite curious life so far.....

Friday, May 04, 2012

more sketchbook pages.........

One of the things I was looking at with this sketchbook was how a change of colour could so totally change the look of a page and this is quite apparent with the free stitching on the gold and then overleaf on the black page further below.

free stitching versus straight (ish) lines

the loose tension in the black thread provided me with probably my favourite thing in the whole book

I decided to utilise two of my tags by including them, you can see the reverese of the white tage in the 'framed' picture at the top of this blog

to those that have seen this tag before forgive its inclusion but it has now become part of my Limited Edition Sketchbook as has the tag below

this one looks best held up to the light

this sketchwas for the tools of the trade required by those creating the clothes of the elite at the Royal Function from the first page in the previous blog

More pages soon.............

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