about me

Powys, Wales, United Kingdom
I am at my happiest when I'm creating something/anything....I'm of Welsh heritage, born in Canada, and have lived a quite curious life so far.....

Friday, May 25, 2012

jewels, black velvet and lace from Sketchbook 2012 Limited Edition

Once again referring ing to the first pages of this sketchbook  I was drawn to velvet and jewels, adding a bit of lace and this time using fabric and paste stones. I could just imagine the glitter that was going on at that function and supposed that whether it was candlelight or gaslight then the reflections on the jewels must have been pretty impressive, especially with velvet as a backdrop.

I could just imaging the expanse of velvet puntuated by her jewels

the lace has quite a stiff feel to it, much like the occasion

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